A Season for Peace and Non-Violence

A Season for Nonviolence is a national program that was brought to my attention by my spiritual practitioner.  I received an email from her on February 6 with a note that she thought of me with Days 7 & 8, Education and Healing.

She sent to me what was posted for Day 8:  “Writer, poet, activist, and professor Maya Angelou turned a traumatic childhood experience into a catalyst for creativity and achievement. Today, choose a painful incident in your that and find the “gift” it has given you. Consciously share this gift with others today.”

I received that email while I was house sitting in Washington for a friend.  My intention was to spend time there writing/finish writing a couple of books about a “painful incident” that happened in my life.  Although I have not faced those projects head-on, I did look at the “A Season for Non-Violence” project and decided that incorporating it into my blog would be a creative way for me to “ease into” my bigger writing projects.

The inspiration for “A Season for Non-Violence” came from the 50th and 30th memorial anniversaries of Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  Although it begins on January 30th through April 4th, I’ve decided to incorporate the themes and lessons in my blog throughout the entire year.

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